How to open and put texture in classic imvu?
Since IMVU came along, with it has come IMVU CLASSIC. Inside it, there is the CREATOR PROGRAM.
Nothing else is where you create all the textures and designs that make up the IMVU store. In this post we will teach you, a beginner creator, how to open and place your textures inside IMVU.
Most of the women’s and men’s packages (beginner, intermediate and advanced) from makeyourshopimvu© were designed specifically for the meshes (bodies/projects) of the sis3D creator.
Dentro de suas pastas de pacotes, você verá texturas com nomes numéricos. Eles foram colocados desta forma para melhor identificar o material onde a textura será colocada.
Inside your package folders, you will see textures with numeric names. They were placed this way to better identify the material where the texture will be placed.
Step 1: When downloading after confirming the purchase, right-click and then click extract here. Once your files are extracted, you will be able to find your textures more easily. Example:
Step 2: Inside your package you will see a text file. Inside this file you will find all usage rules and information about acquired textures. Also, you will have links to the meshes on which the textures were made (derived links are also along with the rules).
Step 3: Take one of the links and open it in your browser. When placing the link in your browser, you must scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on derive from product. A message to open within IMVU will appear. Click Open.
Step 4: Clicking Open will take you to the project within IMVU CLASSIC. Within the project, there are the materials. In them will be the textures and opacities. Example:
Remember: As said before, the textures of the packages were numerically named, to make it easier to identify the texture and where it should be placed.
Step 5: Once the texture numbering according to the material is identified, click on EDIT.
The material on the right matches the opacities. The material on the left corresponds to the textures.
Important: Some meshes generally have more than two layers. To remove materials that will not be used in your project, simply set the entire opacity to black. Thus, this material will disappear, leaving only what has opacity and white texture visible.
Step 6: Then press apply changes in the upper right corner.
Step 7: To publish your product, you must first save your project. To do this, click on the save button in the upper right corner of the creator
This is the first part of our tutorial!
Here you learned how to open and insert textures in IMVU Classic.
In the next tutorial you will learn how to publish your product.